Diane Timewell Acupuncture
For health and well-being
Diane Timewell Acupuncture
For health and well-being
Diane Timewell Acupuncture
For health and well-being
Learn more about our practitioner Diane here.
Learn more about our practitioner
Diane here.
“Diane is a wonderful and warm acupuncturist. She is highly skilled and her results are rapid and impressive. I would strongly endorse her expertise and recommend her to anyone looking for a first-class practitioner in London”
‘Kiiko Matsumoto Style’ Japanese acupuncture, practised by our acupuncturist Diane in Primrose Hill and Fleet Street, is a gentle, yet powerful, style of treatment used to combat physical ailments, anxiety and stress-related conditions and much more. Most patients after their first treatment say, ‘I haven’t felt as relaxed as this for years’.
The NHS recognises that acupuncture is a safe treatment with very few side-effects. It is often used for the treatment of the back, knee, neck and shoulder. NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) recommends acupuncture as a first line treatment for the treatment of chronic pain.
Diane has over thirty years experience in Oriental Medicine, regularly treating many conditions including:
Coming for just a few KMS acupuncture treatments can strengthen your own healing powers, leading to improvements in your symptoms as well as improving your general well-being. It can also help you cope better with chronic conditions that do not respond well to conventional medicine, or where the side-effects of medicines can cause even more serious health problems.
KMS acupuncture focuses on getting to the root of your problem. It treats your entire body, not just a specific symptom. For this reason, many patients report improvements in their energy, sleep and stress levels as a result of treatment.